2023 Classes
Produce - Homegrown
1.Vegetable Collection - 3 Different Vegetables
2. Fruit Collection - 3 Different Fruits
3. 3 Potatoes
4. 3 Tomatoes
5. 3 Carrots
6. 3 Dressed Onions
7. 3 Apples
8. Longest Runner Bean
9. Cut flowers in a vase (homegrown)
10. 6 Eggs
Cookery - Homebaked
11. Family Favourite
12. 8" Victoria Sponge
13. A Cooked Pastry Pie
14. 4 Scones
15. 6 Cupcakes
16. Tray bake
Preserves - Homemade
17. Jar of Fruit Jam
18. Jar of Pickle or Chutney
19. Jar of Curd
20. Jar of Marmalade
Beverage - Home brewed
21. Cider, Lager or Beer
22. Wine
23. Fruit flavoured Spirit
Floral Art - Natural materials only unless specified
Jess Birch Memorial Cup
24. Basket Arrangement
25. Man’s Buttonhole
26. Dinner Table Arrangement
27. Hand tied Bouquet
28. Animal Magic - Any Medium except Photography
29. Watercolour Painting
30. Painting - Other medium
31. Portrait - Any medium except photography
32. Pastel, Ink or Charcoal Drawing
33. Mixed Media Picture - Maximum 2ft x 2ft base
34. Local Landmarks within 10 miles of Denstone
35. Portrait - Individual or Family
36. Monochrome - Open Class
37. Open Class - Any Subject
Craft - Handcrafted
38. Item made from Wood
39. Handmade Celebration Card
40. Item of Clothing
41. Knitted or Crocheted Item
42. Item of Needlework
43. A Brooch made from natural fibres
44. Art Yarn
45. Hank of Yarn
46. A finished item made from hand spun yarn
47. A felted item - wet felted, needle felted or mixed using natural fibres
16 years and under (no adult assistance)
Sponsored by D & J Boden
48. Photograph with the theme “Nature”
49. Home Baked Cake
50. Object made from wood
51. Art or Craft object including flowers or floral elements
52. Decorated Stone
53. Model - Own design (can be Lego, Meccano, etc or recycled materials)
54. Drawing/painting of favourite children’s Television character (max A5)
55. Craft - Any other - Open class
10 years and under (minimal adult assistance)
Rose Edge Memorial Trophy
56. Photograph of an Animal
57. 6 Hand decorated biscuits or cakes
58. Garden on a plate
59. Drawing / painting - Cartoon Character max A5
60. Model - Own Design (This can be Lego, Meccano, etc or recycled materials)
61. Monster made from Fruits or vegetables
62. Handmade Birthday Card
Day Classes
63. Vintage Tractors 50p George Ratcliffe Memorial Cup Sponsored by Manusolve ltd
64. Classic Cars & Motorcycles
65. Scarecrow Competition - Childrens TV Shows - £5.00 - Shirley Tipper Plate Sponsored by Ruby Ysabelle Hair, Denstone